Free Live Online Training

Sunday, March 15, 2009

WOS2 is offering a live online training session for WSF/PHP free of charge this week. This is a one time offer. So hurry up and register now if you are willing to participate.

To register , visit


Mohannad said...

Hi there,

I was searching for some material regarding axis2 and rampart and i came across your blog, im wondering if you can help me. Ive got an axis2.osgi snapshot (from here and i need to use the rampart module with it for signing and encrypting messages. Do you know how i can get rampart to work with that snapshot?

Any help would be appreciated


Mohannad Hammadeh

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya said...

Hi Mohannad,
Didn't you try WSO2 WSAS. It is an Application Server powered by Axis2 built on OSGi. It has in-built rampart support and an easy to use web console for security configuration.

bineesh said...

Thanks for the information about the session...
This is just what I needed...
Data processing services