WSO2 WSF/CPP 2.0.0 Released

Thursday, July 23, 2009

WSO2 WSF/CPP 1.0.0 was released sometime back with the intention of providing a C++ API for C++ developers while leveraging the capabilities of WSF/C Web Services Stack. It only had the Client API. With this new release,the product has been significantly enhanced with the addition of a Service API, Code Generation support for C++, and Many WS-Security features. WSF/C++ can be deployed on both Apache2, and IIS. Also it has the stand alone http server as well. You can download WSF/C++ from

Here is the complete release note.


WSO2 Web Services Framework for C++ (WSO2 WSF/C++) 2.0.0 Released


WSO2 WSF/C++ team is pleased to announce the release of WSO2 WSF/C++ 2.0.0.

You can download this release from:

WSO2 Web Services Framework for C++ (WSO2 WSF/C++) is a standards compliant, enterprise

grade, open source, C++ library for providing and consuming Web services in C++, based on the popular,

WSO2 WSF/C library.

Project home page:


Key Features


1. Client API to consume Web services

      * ServiceClient class with one-way and two-way service invocation support

        for SOAP 1.1, and SOAP 1.2.

      * Options class to facilitate configuring the client for both SOAP and REST options.

2. Service API to provide Web Services

      * ServiceSkeleton class to extend from to implement services.

2. Attachments with MTOM

      * Binary optimized

      * Non-optimized (Base64 binary)

      * Attachment Caching Support

3. WS-Addressing

      * Version 1.0

      * Submission

4. WSPolicy

5. WS-Security

      * Username Token

      * Timestamp Token

      *  Signing

      *  Encryption

      * WS-SecurityPolicy based configuration 

      * Reply detection

      * WS-Trust

      * WS-Secure Conversation  

6. Code generation Tool

      * By providing a wsdl and options, generate client stubs and service skeletons

        in C++ using the code generation tool.

7. SSL enabled transport layer

8. WS-Reliable Messaging

9. Has all the capabilities available from WSF/C library.


Major Changes Since Last Release


1. Service API which enable implementing services in C++.

2. Code Generation tool for C++.

3. Documentation Improved.

4. WS-Security Additions including

    * WS-Secure Conversation

    * Replay Detection

5. Many bug fixes.


Known Issues


Dual channel scenarios could cause crash issues.


Reporting Problems


Issues can be reported using the public JIRA available at:


Contact Us


Please subscribe to our user or developer mailing lists. For details on how

to subscribe please visit:

We welcome your early feedback on this implementation.

Thank you for your interest in WSO2 WSF/C++.

-- WSO2 WSF/C++ Team --

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