Verify your WSF/PHP installation

Friday, June 13, 2008

You may have installed wsf/php with the help of READMEs in the distribution or following installation guide in the documents. But you may experienced sometime you miss a step and couldn't get samples running. Here is some trouble shooting steps that you may find helpful.

1. run the following command in command line ( make sure php is in your 'PATH' environment variable)

php -m

This will lists the php modules. There you should see wsf and xsl. if either or both of this missing, check xsl.dll(or in linux) and wsf.dll(or in linux) in the extension directory and the php.ini extension entries.

2. Run the following command
php -i

This will list out the configuration details of php installation. Just check the entries like include_path, to check whether you have set scripts directory under it. (In linux you can check this more easily with
php -i | grep include_path

The above tests can be done using the phpinfo function as well. For that you will create a file (say phpinfo.php) in the apache document root with the following script.

and you call it from the browser (say http://localhost/phpinfo.php). and you have all the details like installed extensions (check xsl and wsf) and their configurations + include_path entries. You can verify your installation with this.

Anyway there may be chances that even though you have all these right but still samples doesn't work. Most probable reason for that result can be that you are upgrading from old wsf/php library and you already have some of old libraries in you PATH. so make sure you delete or move the old libraries to complete seperate place before you install new libraries.

And if still it didn't work just feel free to ask it in the wsf/php forum or the mailing list. Surely there should be a workaround.

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